Prosperity Plus Terms of Agreement
This Terms of Agreement will serve to represent the terms and conditions of the agreement between LifeSOULutions That Work, LLC (the "Company") and Church Name (the "Church"), which shall be effective upon execution of this letter below.
- General Comment: The parties have agreed that the Church will conduct a tithing training program entitled Prosperity Plus, (the "Program") for the congregants of the Church for 10 consecutive weeks. The program will focus on a study of abundance living as created and presented by the Company and will be conducted in facilities provided by the Church.
- Responsibilities of the Church: The Church agrees to be responsible to do the following:
- Create a welcoming environment.
- Require that all persons teaching the Program purchase and use an Instructor's Guide and Materials (the "Instructor's Package") in teaching and facilitating the Program.
- Require that all congregants or others participating in the Program purchase the Program package of materials (the "Student's Package").
- Require that all shipping and handling charges for the Instructor's Package and the Student's Package be paid to the Church.
- Require that all tithes by the Program participants be received at each weekly class session, versus in the regular Sunday Service collection.
- The tithes/royalties are required to be submitted weekly. If sent by check, mail to: LifeSOULutions That Work 31441 Santa Margarita Pkwy, #A-364 Rancho Santa Margarita, California 92688
- Intellectual Property: The parties agree that all of the content presented during the Program and all of the recordings, intellectual property and derivative rights resulting from the presentation and the recording of the Program shall be the sole and exclusive property of the Company, and as such the Church and the leaders and participants in the Program will not duplicate the Program materials without the express written permission of the Company or otherwise violate the Company's copyright to the Program materials.
- Other Matters: The parties have executed this agreement on the dates shown below, the agreement shall bind all parties and their representatives, each party is authorized to execute this agreement, the agreement cannot be modified or assigned without both parties agreement, and the agreement shall be interpreted and enforced according to the laws of California.